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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Deletion requests and the translation is 27% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Deletion requests and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
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Denne siden er for sider som er foreslått slettet. Her foreslår brukere mediefiler eller sider slettet (sletteforslag som angår kategorier legges ut på Commons:Categories for discussion). Dette er for forslag som krever juridiske innspill eller annen diskusjon før eventuell sletting. Sider eller mediefiler som åpenbart bryter med opphavsrett, duplikatbilder og bilder som er feilaktig navngitt burde håndteres gjennom hurtigslettingsprosessen fremfor å tas opp her.

Vennligst bemerk at prosedyrene på denne siden er meget annerledes sammenlignet med visse andre Wikimedia-prosjekter, blant annet engelsk Wikipedias Files for discussion. Vennligst les instruksene nøye.


Alle kan legge inn sine kommentarer på sletteforslagene som legges ut her, og uttrykke sin mening om en fil eller side burde beholdes eller slettes. Vennligst oppgi grunnene bak meningen din, helst med grunnlag i din kunnskap rundt:

Når en administrator har fått nok informasjon til å konkludere om filen eller siden skal slettes eller beholdes, vil slette forslaget bli avsluttet, og filen enten bli slettet eller merket som beholdt. I de tilfellene hvor besluttningen som burde tas er åpenbar (for eksempel hvis filen åpenbart bryter med opphavsrett eller ellers med god grunn kan hurtigslettes), kan sletteforslaget bli lukket umiddelbart. Mer tvetydige forslag burde forbli åpne i minst syv dager. Enda mer tvetydige forslag kan forbli åpne i uker eller måneder.

Diskusjonen er ikke å anse som en avstemning, og en administrator vil avslutte sletteforslaget utifra sin forståelse av opphavsrettslov og Commons sitt regelverk etter beste evne. Andre former for enighet eller konsensus på Commons vil også bli tatt hensyn til så langt det lar seg gjøre, men dette kan ikke overstyre verken opphavsrett eller Commons sitt regelverk. Hvis en admin ikke kan med rimelig sikkerhet vite at en fil kan beholdes, burde den slettes i samsvar med Commons' føre-var-prinsipp.

Det er ikke opp til en administrator som lukker forslaget å aktivt delta i diskusjonen for å finne en begrunnelse for å beholde filen. Som følge av reglene rundt bevisbyrde på dette prosjektet, er det hos den som lastet opp filen og eventuelt andre som argumenterer for at den burde beholdes bevisbyrden ligger.

Sletteforslagene er ikke stedet for å prøve å endre regelverket på Commons, og forslag burde ikke legges frem bare for å få frem et poeng. Slike forslag kan hurtiglukkes. Hvis du vil legge inn et forslag til endring av Commons' regelverk, ta det opp på Commons:Village pump eller diskusjonssiden til den relevante prosjektsiden.

Hvordan starte et forslag

Klikk «Nominer for sletting» i venstremargen på siden du ønsker å foreslå slettet (mer informasjon om tilleggsfunksjonen).
  • You can nominate individual media files directly by going to the media description page and clicking on Nominate for deletion in the Tools menu on the left. More detailed instructions and browser requirements are described at the help page. Click Nominate for deletion only on the page you would like to nominate for deletion.
If you prefer to list the request manually, see Commons:Deletion requests/Listing a request manually.

If the media is a duplicate use {{Duplicate}}, or was uploaded under the wrong file name, use {{Rename}}.

Nomination guidelines

Please follow these guidelines to make the deletion request as complete and clear as possible:

  1. When requesting deletion of a duplicate, add the link to the duplicate image. The closing admin needs to see it.
  2. When requesting deletion of a redundant file, link to the redundant image. The closing admin needs to see it.
  3. When nominating an image suspected of copyright violation, say why the image is a suspected copyvio. The more detail, the better (a deletion request that only casts a vague accusation can be considered as "incomplete"). And "small size and missing EXIF data" is not a deletion reason by itself (at best that is merely supporting evidence for copyvio).
  4. When nominating all the files of a category, list every file (not just the category itself). The closing admin needs to be able to easily click in the DR to access each image.
  5. When participating in a discussion of a mass deletion (i.e. 10+ images), strike out the images that are agreed to be kept, strike them in the original list.
  6. When requesting deletion of nudity/sex/porn related images, mention this in the nomination. This allows reviewers and admins to prepare themselves or choose not to review.

Closing discussions

In general, requests can be closed by an administrator after seven days. Deletion requests for obvious copyright violations can be closed earlier. Problematic or complex requests (such as highly used templates) can wait longer – even for several months if necessary. Non-admins may close a deletion request as keep if they have a good understanding of the process, and provided the closure is not controversial. If in doubt, don't do it.

Users closing deletion requests are expected to provide adequate explanation for their decision. In many cases, where there is little discussion and no disagreement with the request, no details are required. However the more complex a discussion, and the more users have argued for the opposite outcome than the administrator's decision, the clearer the explanation of the decision is required. In any event, administrators are expected to clarify or explain their decisions on request.

The nominator may request early closure or withdrawal of a deletion request they started by adding a comment in the deletion request, for example when subsequent edits have corrected problems or missing details on the image page. Deletion requests must not be closed by the nominator that created them unless done before anyone else has contributed to the request.

Administrators are encouraged to check whether the uploader was notified on their talk page of the pending deletion request (unless the image is an obvious violation, in which case the image can be speedy deleted).


  1. Add {{Delh}} just above the section head with the file in it.
  2. Add a line (----), then, on a new line, either Kept or Deleted, an optional comment, your signature (~~~~), and {{DeletionFooter}} at the bottom of the request.
  3. If the discussion concluded to keep the file:
    1. Add {{Kept}} to the file talkpage.
    2. Remove the deletion template from the file description page.
  4. If necessary, add/re-categorize the deletion request into appropriate categories.

Appealing decisions

If you disagree with an admin's decision to delete a file, or not to delete it, you should first set out your reasons on the admin's talk page and ask for reconsideration.

If the admin declines to reverse the decision, you can request a review:

  • for a file that was deleted, at Commons:Undeletion requests
  • for a file that was kept, by renominating it for deletion. This should not be done unless you can add new information or clarification.

Bear in mind, though, that admins cannot ignore Commons policies or any applicable copyright law even if a majority of users expressing opinions want them to do so.

Lists of requests

If this section appears to be out of date, purge the server cache.

Archived requests
Open requests

Here is a list of the monthly logs that still have open deletion requests. Anything older than 7 days may be closed. Obvious closures (e.g. speedy deletions) may be done earlier. See also: Category:Deletion requests.

Current requests

Latest requests to be closed

These are the newest deletion requests that are eligible to be closed. For more, see Commons:Deletion requests/Older discussions.

Most recent deletion requests

These are the deletion requests from the past week, and are eligible to be closed only if the decision to close is obvious (e.g. requests that should have been filed as speedy deletions). If not obvious, or if more discussion would be valuable, these should be left until at least seven days have elapsed.