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Our style guide
Our business-writing style guide, The Write Stuff, is not only our own in-house style reference, it contains over 60 pages of tips, tactics and practical advice to help anyone who wants to improve the way they write at work.
You’ll find it useful whether you want simply to brush up on your grammar and punctuation or to overhaul your entire approach to a report or proposal.
Demand for the guide has been high ever since we launched it back in 2008. It’s already in its fifth edition. If you want to write documents fit for modern business, download your free copy now.
Want to set high standards of writing for your organisation? We can help. Whatever your sector, we can tailor The Write Stuff to become your in-house style guide.
You can read more about how we help companies create their own style guides here, or just get in touch.
You can download your free PDF of The Write Stuff here.